商品名:[音声DL版]TRY! 日本語能力試験 N2 改訂版
N2レベルの149文型を、スピーチやニュース、友だち同士の会話、エッセーや論説文など、いろいろなタイプの文章を通じて学習。復習問題が2段階あり、練習も充実。音声DL付※お客様のご要望、学習形態に合わせ、CDを廃して音声DL版へ移行した商品です。特長1場面別の会話や読み物で、文法の使い方をイメージ特長2一つひとつの文法項目を説明・例文・練習でチェック特長3試験と同じ形式の文法・読解・聴解問題で復習特長4試験と同じ形式・量の模擬試験で力試しLearn 149 sentence structures for the N2 level by studying various forms of writing including speeches, conversations with friends, news, essays and editorials. Features 2 levels of review problems and practice activities.Benefit 1Situation-based conversations and readings to help you better understand how to use grammarBenefit 2Explanations, example sentences and practice activities for each grammar topicBenefit 3Review using grammar, reading and listening problems presented in the same format as the actual examBenefit 4Test yourself using a practice test that follows the same format and has the same number of problems as the actual exam<This product has been updated to an audio download version in response to customer requests and learning styles, replacing the CD.>
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